That is the question that will be posed by the Cardiff Civic Society and Cardiff University in an upcoming consultation taking place in Splott.
The Cardiff Replacement Local Development Plan 2021-2036 is at consultation stage and it will shape our city for over a decade to come, deciding what gets built and where. A team of two Cardiff University philosophers and Cardiff Civic Society would like your input to feed into the plan.
Do you think beauty is important when it comes to your quality of life? Is beauty taken seriously where you live? Is your area beautiful? And what would make it beautiful? How do you envisage the future of Cardiff, its buildings, green spaces, and public areas?
These are some of the questions that will be asked, and hopefully answered, during a one-hour workshop at The Oasis Centre, 69b Splott Road on Tuesday the 4th June from 6.30pm.
Together, participants will reflect on the issue of beauty where you live. Asking questions such as: It’s your city, your community – is it important to you that it’s a beautiful place to live? Do you see beauty in your surroundings as a matter of social justice? What does ‘good design’ mean to you?
There will be a follow-on workshop on Monday 10th June, Grange Pavilion (Grangetown) 18:30-19:30 and participants are encouraged to attend both Splott and Grangetown sessions so that in the second workshop, the team will bring together residents from both wards to share findings from earlier workshops, explore how participants have been influenced by the discussions, and conclude with concrete suggestions for the RLDP.
What comes out of these sessions will be written up as a submission for the RLDP consultation.
Refreshments will be available, and participants who attend both workshops will be reimburse for participation with a £30 food voucher.
If you would like to take part, sign up here (at the time of writing, there were 13 tickets left).
For more information, please contact Dr Daisy Dixon at