Spring has sprung and there’s a lot going on in our neck of the woods.
People are under the misconception that there’s nothing going on in Splott, that we’re a ‘deprived’ area of the city (oh, poor us, poor poor people!) with nowt but bad things happening. But they are very, very wrong! There’s so much lovely stuff going on locally. Here are a few examples…
15th April – Bamboo Summer Event Information Day
Join No Fit State Circus as they start planning the next Community Summer Festival to be held in August 2024! Find out about the project, how you can get involved and try out some fun creative ideas for designing, making, and imagining with bamboo at their open day on the 15th of April at Railway Gardens (top of Adeline Street off Railway Street)!
Contact Evie@nofitstate.org for more information.

17th April – Tidy Up Tremorfa Park
If you’re looking for something to do this Wednesday, why not lend a hand at this tidy event? #TidyTremorfa

20th April – Day trip to Abergavenny
Splott Community Volunteers has organised a good old fashioned coach trip on Saturday 20th April to the market town of Abergavenny. Why Abergavenny? Why not?!
The town has a market, loads of shops and cafes and beautiful scenery.
Tickets cost £5 and the trip is nearly fully booked, so if you would like to enquire about availability, email info@splottcommunityvolunteer.co.uk
25th April – Intergenerational Singing Event
What a lovely event taking place in Splott on Thursday the 25th of April!
Baden Powell Primary School pupils are joining the singing charity Goldies at the STAR Hub in Tremorfa Park to sing together for Intergenerational Week!
The week is a celebration of the power of intergenerational relationships and the amazing outcomes that are achieved when people of all ages come together to form vital and lasting connections.
Pop along and join in the event on 25 April at Star Hub from 9:45am – 12pm.

25th April – Honduran Supper Club
Oasis Cardiff have a great history of bringing global cuisine to our doorstep through their brilliant food truck, Global Eats and their well respected supper club is back this month with a three course honduran menu.
Expect fresh flavours with yuca wedges and pork chicharron, zingy sauces and honeyed pumpkin. AND there will be some LIVE music.

The supper club will take place on Thursday the 25th of April at 7pm at the front of Oasis on Splott Road and tickets are available here. Follow their social media for updates here: @global.eats.by.oasis
26th April – Listening Lunch with National Energy Action
Join Splott Community Volunteers Friday 26th April from 10am – 2pm for a free lunch and to find out how National Energy Action can help you if you’re struggling with energy bills or token meters. They also have free digital skills from 10am – 12pm. Two for the price of one (and a free lunch!). Bonza!

27th April – Keep Splott Tidy versus the Black Bridge
Now, some peole may say that this isn’t a ‘nice thing’, picking up litter and tidying up other people’s mess. ‘The council should do it’, people may say. ‘It gives people jobs’, others may profess.
But Keep Splott Tidy is much more than that. It’s a chance to meet new people, make friends, socialise and have a laugh, all while doing something to improve the physical environment around us.
Run by four very enthusiastic Splott residents, the group meets each month in a different part of Splott on the last weekend of the month to make a difference.
Last month, they teamed up with Keep Adamsdown Tidy to compete in a litter pick-off and collected an incredible 45 bags with 31 participants

This month they are tackling the Black Bridge (or Troll Bridge) between Splott and Adamsdown. All equipment will be provided and the group will meet at 10am on Saturday the 27th April.
27th April – Clothes Swap
On Saturday the 27th April at Railway Gardens you can take an item of clothing you no longer want and swap it for something else! There’s so much landfill from clothes people don’t want. Why not stay away from the shops and try this instead? Thrift shopping and clothes swapping is big in the states, so why not Splott?!

Find out more here.
27th April – Musical Oratory – St Alban’s
On Saturday 27th April there will be a musical oratory at St Alban’s church.

Weekly activities:
There’s also a lot of regular great stuff going on…
Join Splott Community Volunteers from 10am to 12 noon for a cuppa and a cake on Menory Mondays. Residents get together to share memories of old Splott (who knew that Rolfe’s the Florist used to be a pet food store with bird seed being served iin paper bags from a wooden drawer in a cabinet? Well it was!)
At 1.30 on Tuesdays at Railway Gardens there’s Baby & Parent Support Group for free. Pop along and meet other parents and other babies! Find them at the top of Adeline Street off Railway Street.
Do you have a handy skill to share? Pop along to the GoodShed at Railway Gardens between 2pm and 4pm to build stuff and drink tea!

Join Splott Community Volunteers for Knit and Natter between 10am and 12 noon for a cuppa and a cake and learn some new knitting skills while having a chat. Refreshments provided for free. Also, once a month, there will be a mobile wool and embroidery shop, Wool on Wheels, joining them.

Forces of Nature after school nature club for children runs at Railway Gardens from 3.15pm to 4.30pm. Find out more here. No need to book though -just pop along (and there’s a free snack for kids).
Splo-Down, a food cooperative operating from a container at the back of the old STAR Leisure Centre on Splott Road offer great quality and value for money bags of fresh veg for affordable prices between 5pm and 7pm. Pay what you can. More information here.
You can also pop along to Railway Gardens for Natter with Neighbours at 10.30am.
For £4 at the Splott Community Volunteers’ Breakfast Club you can get a hot cooked breakfast and a bag of 10 items from their food pantry, including a fridge item, freezer item and tinned goods, fried goods and fresh fruit & veg. Find them at the back of the old STAR Leisure Centre on Splott Road, entry opposite A1 Tyres on Railway Street.
Breakfast Club runs from 8.30am to 10.30am
There are two coll activities at Railway Gardens on a Thursday morning: Tai Chi at 10am and Creative Writing at 10.30am. Find out more here.
Digital skills at Splott Community Volunteers runs from 10am to 12 noon and is aopen to all, regardless of abilities. Come in for a cuppa and a cake and get help from the Cardiff Council digital skills team.
Heads up for May
Splott Community Volunteers is running a Quiz and Curry fundraising evening on Friday the 10th May. Doors open at 6.30pm, the quiz will begin at 7pm and should be done by 9pm. Entry to the quiz is £5 which will also get you a bowl of curry. There will be prizes for the winners and a raffle on the night.

Splott Community Volunteers is running a series of car boot sales over the summer with the first of them on Saturday the 18th May. The boot sale will run between 9am and 12noon and stalls are still available for £10 per car. Spaces are limited and booking is essential, so please email info@splottcommunityvolunteers.co.uk for more information.

22nd May – Seedling Swap
Splo-down Food Cooperative is having its annual Seedling Swap with StarGarAllot Community Garden on the 22nd May at the Splo-Down unit at the back of the STAR Centre (Marion Street). The Big #SploGrow!
As you’re starting seeds for this year plant some extras to take to the swap, and find some other exciting options at the event!

If I’ve missed anything, do let me know. I’d love to update this article with other cool stuff going on.