Author Archives: Lynne Thomas
The one-cut mowing sites planned for Moorland Park, Splott Park and Tremorfa Park.
Proposed ‘one mow’ areas in Moorland Park – highlighted in dark green
New food cooperative launches in Splott (and they’re looking for a home!)
Splo-down Food Coop is a new community-led food cooperative seeking to increase local access to healthy food in Splott, Adamsdown and Tremorfa. Organisers plan to operate a ‘shop’ on a volunteer basis twice a week where members can collect and buy food. They also plan to sell/distribute a mixture of food from organic and package-free […]
From Concrete Triangle of Doom to Concrete Triangle of Bloom!
Earlier this year, Keep Splott Tidy, supported by Inksplott and Cardiff Community Housing Association, applied for a Keep Wales Tidy Local Places for Nature Wildlife Project grant to transform a pretty desolate area of Splott into a wildlife haven and…we only went and got it!!! Imagine this… The corner of Walker Road and Ordell Street […]
What’s opening in Wales and When
Welsh Government has announced the latest phased timetable to ease restrictions imposed in Wales because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Find out what’s opening when (if conditions allow – which means that the rate of infection and transmission stays low). Summary: Saturday 11th July – self-contained holiday accommodation.⛱🏠 Monday 13th July – hairdressing salons and barbershops, […]
Cardiff Bay Rotary Club funds litter champions in Splott
Volunteer group, Keep Splott Tidy, was recently delighted to receive a funding boost of £250 from Cardiff Bay Rotary Club to buy extra litter pickers and hoops to help Splott residents conduct localised litter picks as part of their daily exercise. The funding boost will enable the group to buy five new litter pickers in […]
Shielding to continue until August for some in Wales
Almost 130,000 people will this week start receiving a letter from the Chief Medical Officer for Wales setting out the latest advice to protect them from coronavirus. They will be asked to continue shielding until 16 August, but the letter will also describe how the medical advice has changed to enable them to go outdoors […]
Bulky Waste Collections Service resumed for limited items only
Bookings for bulky waste collection service resumed in Cardiff for limited items on the 1st of June. Cardiff Council is asking that residents please only book collections for items that are causing them significant difficulty to store at home. The bulky waste collection is for larger items (that you would be unable to fit in […]
Cardiff Council COVID-19 Update: 3rd June
In the latest COVID-19 update from Cardiff Council: reaction to today’s Welsh Government announcement on schools reopening; a generous donation of 200 mobile phones to Cardiff Council’s homeless service;continuing to provide for period dignity; and supporting young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Careful and planned; Support for Cardiff schools in preparation for June 29th Responding […]
Prefer it in print? Pick up a copy of ‘The Inksplott News’ from a local hub
Inksplott News is a free newspaper for Splott, launched in December 2017. 6,000 copies were printed and delivered door-to-door and in local hubs: STAR Hub Oasis Centre Imperial Cafe Moorland STAR Community Centre Cloughmore Surgery Luvly Grub Rubicon Dance Willows High NISA Splott CCHA STAR Communities First If you haven’t received your paper copy, you […]