Author Archives: Lynne Thomas
New Wales Coronavirus Resilience Fund launched to help local organisations provide essential services
The new Wales Coronavirus Resilience Fund has been established to help groups and organisations providing services and support to individuals and families, whether singly or collectively, affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. Primarily, the fund will provide support for the following (this is not an exhaustive list): activities that help vulnerable people who are self-isolating (the […]
Birds from the Back Garden: avian adventures of the Splott bird scene
To banish the boredom in these challenging days of #StayAtHome, I’ve been snapping some of the birds in the back garden and wondering what they might get up to behind the scenes. Here’s a collection of the feathered friends who visit my garden in Splott and their make-believe lives beyond the bird-feeder. I hope you […]
Changes to how our rubbish is collected during COVID-19 restrictions
Cardiff is moving to a new, weekly, kerbside-collection which will see all household waste (except garden waste) picked up at the same time. Collection days for your area will remain the same, but the way waste is handled is changing to help manage the impact of COVID-19 and ensure the wellbeing of both residents […]
Friends and Neighbours goes virtual to connect people feeling lonely
Friends and Neighbours or FAN is a Cardiff based charity that brings people of all ages and backgrounds together in the spirit of friendship. People who enjoy meeting others will be sure of finding a warm welcome if they attend. In response to the Covid 19 measures, Friends And Neighbours (FAN) is now moving […]
Ideas on how we can help each other during Covid-19
These are testing times. Scary times. Unprecedented times in our generation. But look back in history and the people of the world have faced some extraordinary challenges and prevailed. In times of trouble, the greatest thing about us is our resilience, our resourcefulness and our capacity for generosity. So let’s look at how we can […]
Coming soon: eight things to do in Splott on a budget
Singing, quizzing, animation, spring cleans, potting, planting and fancy dress; there’s lots going on in Splott over the next few weeks and it’s mostly for free! Here’s a handy guide to what, when and where. FREE: Willows Community Choir 26th February, 18th March, 8th April Willows High School, Tremorfa Find your voice with Willows […]
Things that you might be surprised to find in Splott
Splotties knows it, but other ‘Diffians may be surprised to find out just what Splott has to offer. Splott has a lot; we Splottlanders have known it for ages, but in case there was any doubt that Splott’s the place to be, here’s a list of lush stuff on our doorstep: 1. Axe throwing […]
The Color Run heads to Wales for the first time
This September, The Color Run Make Magic 2020 will make its Wales debut when it comes to Cardiff’s Bute Park. COLOURS + RUNNING = CELEBRATION! That’s the headline on the Colour Run website. The organisations mission is to bring people together and make the world a happier, healthier place: “We call The Color Run ‘The […]
Site plan launched for green community hub in Splott
It was standing room only at last Saturday’s Green Squirrel community coffee morning in the Old Library in Splott to showcase the final plans to create a community hub from waste land in Splott. The site at the back of Railway Street has been donated to the group by Cardiff Council. Following a series of community […]