On the 5th of December, Splott residents will vote to elect a third ward councillor to join Labour councillors Ed Stubbs and Huw Thomas in representing Splott, Tremorfa and Pengam Green.
To read more about why a bi-election is being held in Splott, and who is standing, click here.
Inksplott has invited all of the candidates to share their reasons for standing and a little bit more about themselves in an interview.
Continuing the series of interviews, I’m pleased to introduce the Welh Liberal Democrat candidate, Cadan ap Tomos.
Inksplott: Hello! Thank you for being interviewed for Inksplott. Please tell us who you are and which party you represent.
Cadan ap Tomos: My name is Cadan, and I’m the Welsh Liberal Democrat candidate in the upcoming by-election.

Inksplott: Why did you become a member of that party and for how long have you been a member?
Cadan ap Tomos: I’ve been a Liberal Democrat member since I was 17 (thirteen years ago now!) It was the party’s values of tolerance and equality that led me to join – in particular, growing up as a young gay man, seeing the Lib Dems propose the law that made same-sex marriage a reality was a particularly proud moment.
Inksplott: Can you tell us a bit about you and Splott? Do you live here? How long have you lived here? Why did you move here?
Cadan ap Tomos: I first moved to Cardiff 10 years ago, and spent most of that time living in Roath – just the other side of Newport Road. When I finally got enough money together last year to buy my first property, Splott was a natural place for me to look – I knew the area well having previously worked and campaigned here, and somewhere with such strong community spirit was exactly where I wanted to be. I finally moved into my flat earlier this year, and other than learning the hard way how much new boilers cost I’ve not regretted it one bit!
Inksplott: Please list your top three ‘successes in Splott’.
Cadan ap Tomos: My first success came years before I moved to Splott when my work as part of the Lib Dem team in the Senedd helped secure the funding for the first phase of the Bay Link Road – the first step towards taking rat-run traffic off Splott’s streets. If I’m elected I’ll fight for the final phase to be built, which should finally ease the congestion we see on Moorland Road, Carlisle Street and Walker Road every evening.
Secondly, I’ve managed to have several pieces of flytipping cleared throughout the area while I’ve been out and about on the campaign trail. It’s not a more permanent solution, but I’ll keep doing what I can to get swifter action to keep our streets clean.
Thirdly, through meeting people on the doorsteps over the past couple of months, I’ve been able to use my knowledge and experience to help various people with their issues – whether connecting an older household with the support they need to live more independently at home, or advising a pensioner who’d just lost their Winter Fuel Allowance on how to check their eligibility for Pension Credit.

Inksplott: Please list the three things that you wish you could have done but they didn’t quite happen and why.
Cadan ap Tomos: I’ve got a list as long as my arm of questions and issues to be raised that I’ve been collecting as I talk to people. In many cases they’re issues that have gone years without being solved. Not being a councillor yet obviously limits what I’m able to do from the sidelines. If I’m elected I hope I can do things like arrange a collection for the old-style blue glass bins still littering the Cottages since the trial, push for closer discussions with the traveller community to reduce the impact of straying horses, or get the many faded street signs around Pengam Green replaced – to name just three!
Inksplott: Please list your top five commitments to Splott if you are to be elected. What are you going to do for us?
Cadan ap Tomos: I’m not going to promise to fix every issue our area faces, but if I’m lucky enough to be elected I want to do what I can to get things done on my key priorities:
- Cleaning up our streets by replacing litter bins that have been taken away, pushing for more regular street sweeping, and looking for solutions to flytipping like the regular community skips that other cities put on – giving people the chance to dispose of their waste in a responsible way.
- Working to improve community safety, especially in our parks. We need better lighting so our parks can be enjoyed in the evenings all year round, and I’ll work closely with local police to press for action on the various ongoing issues of anti-social behaviour throughout our area that have been raised with me.
- Fixing our roads and paths, whether it’s slippery red brick pavements around Pengam Green or unsafe junctions like the Magic Roundabout that see too many accidents.
- Supporting the many fantastic community and volunteer initiatives throughout our area however I can – whether it’s picking litter, giving opportunities for older people to socialise, or running one of our many sports clubs.
My fifth commitment is to be a councillor that you hear from all year round, not just when I’m asking for your vote, and to be as accessible and approachable as I can to try and solve whatever issue you’re facing. I think the least you should expect from your elected representatives is for them to tell you what they’re up to!

Inksplott: Please tell us why people should vote for you.
Cadan ap Tomos: I’m standing in this election to be the hard-working, proactive voice so many people tell me they want for our community. I live locally – one of the few candidates this time that does – so I have a personal stake in the future of our area.
I’ve spent a lot of my career working for charities and with elected representatives, doing what I can to help improve people’s lives. I’ll be able to use that experience to help people throughout Splott, Tremorfa and Pengam Green – not just with the bigger services that the council runs, but with the more individual issues too where people often don’t know where to turn.
After many years of Labour representatives at every level here, many people have told me they feel it’s time for a fresh voice to stand up for our area. Only the Lib Dems have beaten Labour here in decades, and people have told me fondly about what Splott’s past Lib Dem councillors were able to do for them. I want to follow our councillors’ example of being active local champions and do what I can to make our community a better place to live and work.
Inksplott: How can the people of Splott get in touch with you and tell you what they would like?
Cadan ap Tomos: You’re welcome to get in touch with me by email on cadan@cadanaptomos.cymru
Inksplott: Please tell us a funny story about Splott.
Cadan ap Tomos: As I was delivering one of my leaflets on Habershon Street, I approached a door with a big glass window in it at the same time as the person inside the house. Both of us thought we were seeing our own approaching reflection – that is until she opened the door and gave us both a fright! We both had a giggle about it once we realised what had happened.
Inksplott: This is your free space to tell us anything you like. Off you go!
Cadan ap Tomos: I’ll finish with a fun fact. I’m originally from the same part of the world as Huw Thomas (one of Splott’s other councillors) and was taught in primary school by his mum. It’s a small world!
Thank you Cadan. Good luck in the election.