
Welcome to inksplott

inksplott is a community website set up by a handful of residents to capture and report all the wonderful things that are going on in the land of the speedbump; Splott (Y Sblot yn y Gymraeg).

We’ve only just started, so the site’s looking a little lean right now, but in time we hope to profile local businesses, interview local characters, cover local news and let you know what’s happening right on your doorstep (yep, you guessed it – local goings on).

If you have a story to tell, are planning an event, or you run a business and would like to be featured, get in touch via Twitter or Facebook and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.  If you’re tweeting anything relevant to Splott, please remember to hashtag #splott and we’ll re-tweet you.

There’s lots of great stuff happening in Splott and we aim to shout about it.
