What’s happening in the land of the speedbump? Turns out, quite a bit!
I sat at the computer tonight and thought, I’ll just have a quick scroll of social media under my favourite searches (#Splott #Adamsdown #Tremorfa, obvs) to see what’s happening and, lo and behold, it did not disappoint.
This part of the ‘Diff is bursting with brilliant people and projects. There’s so much going on, some paid for, some free.
We sometimes get a bad rap for being the ‘bad bit’ of Cardiff. The bit that comes with a warning or the adjective ‘deprived’ dumped in front of the noun.
Well, to heck with that, I say. Just have a peek at this plethora of positivity and groovy stuff to do (I’m sure that this isn’t an exhaustive list – please get in touch if you have an awesome up-coming event or a cool community project you would like highlighted here):
Girls Together Splott Running Club
Girls Together Splott runs a friendly ladies group every Thursday at 6.15pm, meeting at the STAR Hub in Splott Park. It’s aimed at ladies from 12 years upwards, open to all abilities.

Keep Splott Tidy
The Wombles of Splott (AKA Keep Splott Tidy) are out and about on the last weekend of the month with an organised litter pick, offering volunteers the opportunity to do their bit and Keep Splott Tidy!
All you need is enthusiasm as they provide all the equipment. They’ve just announced their next three picks:
Nordic Walking with Sport Cardiff
Sport Cardiff has teamed up with @Better_Cardiff to offer Nordic Walking for people over the age of 60 – £3 per person at the STAR Hub in Splott Details below
Railway Gardens Coffee Morning
Join Green Squirrel on Saturday February 19th at The Old Library, Singleton Road, Splott, to find out more about the project, share ideas, and have your say on what happens on the Railway Gardens site. Book your time splott (I mean spot) here.
Railway Gardens is Splott’s upcoming green community space next to the railway line at the back of Railway Street at the end of Adeline Street. For more information, visit the website: https://greensquirrel.co.uk/projects/railwaygardens/ or sign up for the newsletter here: https://buff.ly/3fimn0H

Slimming World
Thinking of how to shed a few pounds this new year? Join Brigid for Slimming World at Old Splott Library on Singleton Road on a Monday morning at 9am or Monday evening at 5pm. The group is friendly and supportive and welcome new members.
Read an interview with Brigid here.
Splo-down Food Coop
Find out about Splo-Down Food Coop and their brilliant community-led project bringing fresh and ethical produce at affordable prices to people in Splott, Adamsdown and Tremorfa. Every Wednesday evening at Oasis Cardiff from 5-7pm.

Splott Community Vols Breakfast Club
Every Thursday morning between 8am and 10am, the amazing volunteers of Splott Community Vols run a breakfast club where you can access friendship, a hot meal and food to take away for just £3 per adult or £1 per child.

For a donation of just £3.00, you get one bag of shopping and a breakfast roll, tea or coffee to take away.
Open from 8am till 10am every Thursday at The Old Library, Singleton Road, Splott.

Online After School Club
Women Connect First have ARC (Adamsdown, Roath & Cathays) Afterschool Club Fridays 4.30-5.30pm. Mix of online and outdoor sessions in art & craft, healthy cooking etc. for children between 5 to 12 years from diverse communities in Adamsdown, Cathays & Roath area. Please Contact 07577236313 for more information.
Free Circus Skills – No Fit State Circus
Free circus workshops and open day @NoFitState in #Adamsdown. Definitely worth popping into this brilliant facility to discuss how they can be more visible in our local community. Bring the family as well, the activities are fantastic (thank you Owen Llewellyn Jones for this heads up).
Zumba with Michalina
Join Adamsdown resident Michalina for her fun zumba sessions at Adamsdown Day Centre, St German’s Hall, every Tuesday and Friday evenings between 6.30pm and 7.30pm.
Classes cost £5 each or both for £8.

Axe Throwing
Tremorfa-based business Lumberjack Axe Throwing Cardiff offers the opportunity to do something a little more Canada than Cardiff. Throw axes at targets in a totally legal way!
Boomerang Rovers Under 15s Football Team
Based in Tremorfa, the Boomerang Rovers are currently top of the league and doing very well. They have their own indoor training facility over on Clydesmuir Road industrial estate and are sponsored by Boomerang Cardiff, the charity run by the mighty Paul Gwylim.
Follow them on Instagram or TikTok.

If you have a little one wanting to try their hand at Rugby, then get in touch with St Albans RFC, AKA “The Buns”. They have under 7s to under 16s and senior sides.
Tremorfa Park Run
Free, weekly, timed 5k walk/jog/run for all ages & abilities. 9am each Saturday. Organised by volunteers. Register on the website, print your barcode & join in! Plus it’s a beautiful park!

Tree Planting
Coed Caerdydd will be holding a community tree planting day in Tremorfa Park on Saturday 12th February 2022, 10am – 2pm with Trees for Cities as part of Coed Caerdydd and the Queen’s Green Canopy projects. If you would like to join this event, please book via: http://treesforcities.org/tremorfapark
Tremorfa Pantry
Tremorfa Community Pantry is a constituted group, run by members of the community to share food and toiletries. Each week, the pantry also provides pre-bagged cooking kits and recipes and runs knitting/crochet group The Pantry Hookers, bringing residents together to create items to raise money to continue the good work. From 10am to 1pm every Wednesday.