Tag Archives: adamsdown
What’s on in Splott this March
Hurrah! The clocks go forward, the evenings are lighter and the daffs are in bloom. It’s a welcome return to Spring in Splott. Friday 7th March – Cuppa with a Councillor – 11am – 12noon On the first Friday of the month, Splott Councillor, Ed Stubbs, hosts an informal surgery at Splott Community Volunteers where […]
February Fun in Splott
It’s the shortest month of the year and getting a little bit lighter for longer each day. Spring is around the corner, but let’s not leap too far into the future (see what I did there?) as February is choc full of fantastic activities in our fair corner of Cardiff. Let’s see what’s coming up […]
What’s on in Splott this January?
Happy New Year Splotties! The nights are starting to draw out a few minutes each day and Spring is a mere two months away. Time to look at what’s going on in our corner of Cardiff this month… Wednesday 15th January – Hula Hoop Class Join The Sparklettes for a fun and energetic Hula Hoop […]
Solved! The mystery of the Splott stink!
In recent weeks, there has been a pungent pong sweeping over Splott and residents have been keen to trace the stinky source. Quite a few of us reported the smell to environmental regulators in a quest to uncover the pongy point of origin. So bad was the smell that one resident commented online that, despite […]
What’s on in Splott this October
The leaves are turning, the nights are drawing in and little humans get ready for an evening of trick or treat…that’s right folks, October is upon us! As usual, there’s plenty going on in our part of Cardiff this happy halloween month. Here’s a handy list of events and activities in Splott and surrounding areas… […]
Contract awarded for construction of the new Willows High School
Cardiff Council can announce the contractor chosen to carry out the main build of the new Willows High School has been awarded to Morgan Sindall Construction. The education investment worth more than £60m, will provide excellent quality education environments to support and enhance teaching and learning, as well ascomprehensive sports facilities, including sports hall, gym, drama […]
What’s on in Splott this September
The month may be half gone, but there’s lots still going on in our part of Cardiff this September! Including a comedy night, a wetlands clean up, the battle of two community litter picking groups and an open top bus tour of Splott! Here’s a handy list of events and activities in Splott and surrounding […]
What’s on in Splott this August?
The month may be nearly half gone, but there’s lots still going on in our part of Cardiff this August! Here’s a handy list of events and activities in Splott and surrounding areas… Wednesday 14th August – Fuel Vouchers & Furry Friends Join Splott Community Volunteers and National Energy Action at the back of the […]
What’s on in Splott this July?
With rain threatening to stop play, what’s Splott got in store for us this month? Friday 12th July – Pizza & Quiz Night Join Splott Community Volunteers as they hold their third quiz of the year to raise funds for their charitable activities. This time the quiz will be run by special guests from Railway […]