Tag Archives: adamsdown
Pushbike revival! Nextbike comes to Splott and Tremorfa
People in Splott may have shrugged their shoulders and thought ‘so what?’ when the world’s most extensive bikeshare operator – nextbike – arrived in Cardiff on the 26th of March with the first installation of five docking stations and 50 bicycles in the city centre. However, things have recently got much closer to home with […]
Welsh in Adamsdown and Splott / Cymraeg yn Waunadda a’r Sblot
Do you speak Welsh? Are you learning Welsh? If so, there are plenty of opportunities to practice your language and meet other Welsh speakers or learners in Splott and Adamsdown. Matt Spry explains more… / Ydych chi’n siarad Cymraeg? Dych chi’n dysgu Cymraeg? Os felly, mae digonedd o gyfleoedd i ymarfer eich iaith a chwrdd â […]
Adamsown deep clean and community litter pick
This week, Adamsdown will benefit from the Cardiff Council deep cleansing initiative and to link in, the Love Where You Live Team would like to invite you to join them on a community litter pick. They will be meeting in the Park in front of Adamsdown Primary (by St. German’s Community Centre) at 10am on […]
Adamsdown one of three priority projects revealed for new regeneration funding
A £10m bid to help boost regeneration and invest in local communities is being put together by Cardiff Council and Adamsdown has been named as one of the areas to potentially benefit. If successful in securing the money from Welsh Government’s Targeted Regeneration Investment Programme, then a number of areas in the city would […]
Finding purpose through volunteering; Inksplott interview with Splottlander Brendan O’Shea
Up until very recently, Splott resident Brendan O’Shea was a volunteer at STAR Communities First, helping out at the office on Splott Road. Brendan posted a lovely farewell message on Facebook after his last shift about the opportunities volunteering gave him and how it made him feel. Inksplott caught up with Brendan to find […]
Rubicon Dance takes on Roath Library: a behind-the-scenes insight
News that Rubicon Dance is to take on much-loved local building Roath Library spread last week to a huge collective community cheer. Though some expressed disappointed that it isn’t being renovated as a library, most got out the bunting and did a little dance at the thought of the building being brought back into […]
Information about the closure of STAR Communities First
As you may be aware, the Welsh Government’s Communities First Programme will end on 31st March 2018, affecting the services currently delivered from the Splott Road office. Many people will be very sad to say goodbye to STAR Communities first, which has served Splott, Tremorfa, Adamsdown and Roath very well for a number of […]
Takeout tonight? There’s a new Indian in town!
Masoom’s Kitchen is a new independant takeaway serving up Bangladeshi and Indian dishes that opened this January on Splott Road. This week, Inksplott caught up with its owner, Masoom, to get a bit of background and discover what’s good eating from the kitchen. The takeaway, which is at number 22 Splott Road, opposite St Saviour’s […]