Tag Archives: tremorfa
Open top bus tour of Splott launches community museum project
What’s Splott famous for, and what does it mean to you? Open top bus tours of Splott were offered on Saturday September 21st to celebrate one of Cardiff’s most cherished and famous communities, inviting the local community to come on board and help create its own museum telling ‘The story of Splott in 50 objects’. […]
Splott bi-election on the 5th December
Councillor Jane Henshaw can never be replaced, that much is clear. She was dear to our community, and will be greatly missed. Her recent, sudden, passing from cancer after a short illness saddened and shocked many residents of Splott and Tremorfa and left them feeling quite bereft. It’s not nice to have to think about […]
What’s your Splott Story?
Can you help tell the story of Splott in 50 objects to create a ‘pocket museum’? For everyone who is proud of Splott, our community is creating its very own museum and needs your ideas. We’re telling ‘The Story of Splott in 50 objects’, celebrating our rich heritage by creating a ‘pocketmuseum’ – a pack […]
What’s on in Splott this November
The leaves have turned, the nights have drawn in and the fireworks are firing. That’s right folks, November is upon us! As usual, there’s plenty going on in our part of Cardiff this autumnal month. Here’s a handy list of events and activities in Splott and surrounding areas to brighten these darker days… Tuesday 5th […]
Solved! The mystery of the Splott stink!
In recent weeks, there has been a pungent pong sweeping over Splott and residents have been keen to trace the stinky source. Quite a few of us reported the smell to environmental regulators in a quest to uncover the pongy point of origin. So bad was the smell that one resident commented online that, despite […]
What’s on in Splott this October
The leaves are turning, the nights are drawing in and little humans get ready for an evening of trick or treat…that’s right folks, October is upon us! As usual, there’s plenty going on in our part of Cardiff this happy halloween month. Here’s a handy list of events and activities in Splott and surrounding areas… […]
Contract awarded for construction of the new Willows High School
Cardiff Council can announce the contractor chosen to carry out the main build of the new Willows High School has been awarded to Morgan Sindall Construction. The education investment worth more than £60m, will provide excellent quality education environments to support and enhance teaching and learning, as well ascomprehensive sports facilities, including sports hall, gym, drama […]
Have your say on Moorland Road traffic
Concerns over the through traffic on Moorland Road and the surrounding area have been raised by the local Ward Councillors and residents. Some of the concerns raised include: Now there is a survey set up to seek to further understand the traffic related issues raised for the Moorland Road area. If you would like to […]
Open top bus tour of Splott this Saturday!
Open top bus tour of Splott launches community museum project What’s Splott famous for, and what does it mean to you? Open top bus tours of Splott are being offered on Saturday September 21st to celebrate one of Cardiff’s most cherished and famous communities, inviting the local community to come on board and help create […]