Tag Archives: waste
Splott to take part in expanded recycling trial
Splott residents will receive a red sack for plastic and cans, a blue sack for paper and cardboard and a blue caddy for glass bottles and jars. The new Cardiff Council kerbside-sort recycling scheme is being expanded to a further 5,000 properties across the city, including Splott. The aim of the scheme is to improve […]
Kerbside garden waste collections will be collected monthly in October and November
As we move into autumn, kerbside garden waste collections will be collected monthly from October 4th until November 25th giving residents two further green waste collections from their home before the service is suspended during December, January and February. Figures show that the amount of garden waste collected from residents’ homes reduces by 80% over […]
Keep Splott Tidy September Pick
The Wombles of Splott will be back on Saturday 24th September helping make the streets that little bit tidier! Join volunteer group Keep Splott Tidy for two hours of litter picking. All equipment is provided, including high vis, gloves, hoops and pickers for adults and children. Meet at 10am outside the old Grosvenor Pub at […]
Volunteer with KST this weekend and earn Time Credits
Keep Splott Tidy will be out this Sunday morning for their July litter pick and the team is encouraging residents to come along in return for time credits which can be exchanged for free entrance to cool activities. Keep Splott Tidy is a group of volunteers who meet once a month on a Saturday or […]
Christmas collections in Cardiff
A roundup of Recycling Services, Trees & Tips – Christmas Arrangements 2021 There will be no changes to recycling and waste collection dates over the Christmas period. Collections will take place on the normal days in your local area. Recycling and waste should be placed out by 6am on collection day, and no earlier than […]
Waste collection update from Cardiff Council
If your green bags haven’t been collected recently, you are not alone. Cardiff Council is struggling to remove the huge amount of extra recyclable waste created over the Christmas period and has apologised to residents for delays in collecting green bags. A message from Cardiff Council: We understand residents will be concerned if they have […]
Cardiff Council promises cleaner streets
Cardiff will benefit from cleaner streets under new plans to change the way waste and recyclables are collected across the city. The new system will see the council adopt a four-day a week, single shift collection model. This will enable collections to take place between 6am and 3.45pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. All […]
Changes to local recycling centre rules
You still have to book, but you can now visit Lamby Way Recycling Centre 26 times a year instead of 12. Here’s the update: · Residents can now book 26 visits per year to local recycling centres, increased from 12 · 2 people can now get out of the vehicle to help move heavier items, so no […]
Easter Waste and Recycling Collections
Our collection day will remain the same during Easter this year, but collection times may change so please ensure your waste is out by 6am. Cardiff Council has confirmed that their waste collection team will work across the Easter bank holidays to ensure the collection service continues and there will be no one-day-delay to collections the […]