
What’s on in Splott this September

The month may be half gone, but there’s lots still going on in our part of Cardiff this September!

Including a comedy night, a wetlands clean up, the battle of two community litter picking groups and an open top bus tour of Splott!

Here’s a handy list of events and activities in Splott and surrounding areas…

Wednesday 18th September – Cardiff Rivers Group takes on Parc Tredelerch

This Wednesday, 18th September, the amazing Cardiff Rivers Group will be returning to Parc Tredelerch, to continue cutting and clearing reeds from the lake.

The group will be meeting at 09:45 at the spot highlighted on the map below.

If you’ve got your own waders, please bring them! If you haven’t, the group will have some you can borrow (although there’s obviously a limited range of sizes). Otherwise, wellies or sturdy boots and suitable clothing.

Please car share if possible, as parking is limited.

Wednesday 18th September – After School Gardening Club

Forces of Nature, a free after school nature club at Railway Gardens in Splott is restarting this week on Wednesday September 18th. The club is open to all nursery and primary age children and their parents, and includes a mix of gardening, crafts, play, den building and other activities. Full info and registration can be found here. 

Find out more about the work at greensquirrel.co.uk or find them on social at @bemoresquirrel. 

Wednesday 18th September – Youth Circus

Starting this Wednesday and continuing every Wednesday, Youth Circus is coming to Eastmoors Youth Centre (on Sanquhar Street).

So, why youth circus? Is it just for super strong bendy people? No! Youth circus is for everyone!

Fiery Jacks are huge advocates in the power of circus – it can balance the drive and focus of sports with the creative flair and social interaction of arts. The skills teach dedication, commitment and strength both inner and external. The performance teaches communication, self reflection and pride. Basically, circus is magical and can reach people, giving them a vehicle to grow!

Sign up now for a new term of balance, manipulation, aerial, tumbling and more!!

Here’s the link: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSe20zdtlnif3U…/viewform

Wednesday 18th September – Splo-Down Dishes From Our Community

Splo-Down will be tasting some delicious dishes made by members using splo-down ingredients. Join them from 5pm at their container on Marion Street at the back of the STAR Centre for tasty treats and a chance to chat with other members.

They will also have Jenipher from Jenipher’s Coffi visiting from Uganda!

If you are a Splo-down member and would like to cook a dish to share with others then message ASAP on facebook or message Ali on 07776671788. Splo-Down can support with paying for ingredients and for time taken to cook the dish.

Wednesday 18th September – Tremorfa Pantry Community Bingo

Beat the autumn blues with a game of bingo at Tremorfa Pantry. Wear something blue if you can!

Thursday 19th September – Joke in the Oak

This fantastic fundraising evening of fun has been running for a while now in Adamsdown’s The Royal Oak. Each time, there are guest comedians and any donations received go to a different charity.

Here’s what they day:

Stand up comedy for charity.

Headliner: Chris Chopping
Adam Henderson
Josh Pennar McFarlane
Steve Bates
more Tbc

Hosted by Dai Rhys Towler

email/ebost: yrjoak@gmail.com

All proceeds going towards Tŷ Hafan!

Free entry but charitable donations to get out…

For more information, click here.

Saturday 21st September – Have Your Say Splott

Splott Community Volunteers has an exciting event to close their summer programme of activities.

Join them on Saturday 21st September for ‘Have your say, Splott!’ – a community open day for residents of Splott, Tremorfa and Adamsdown.

There will be an open top bus tour of Splott and Tremorfa (yes, really!), a car boot sale in the car park (stalls are £10 each – email info@splottcommunityvolunteers.co.uk to book) and the launch of the super ‘The Story of Splott in 50 Objects’ project (so excited!).

They will also be asking visitors to share their memories of Splott, and their thoughts on what makes Splott so special, which bits are great, which bits aren’t so good and what could be improved. In return, participants will receive free entry into a mega raffle to win a Tower 10.4ltr dual basket air fryer worth £129!

Please pop along and pray that the weather is kind (so that they can go ahead with the open top bus and not have to change to transport with a lid) 😂🤞☀️

Saturday 21st September – Ethical Market

Join Fair Trade Wales for a free market with ethical and Fairtrade stalls, cafe area, food and entertainment as we celebrate 30 years of the Fairtrade mark and come together for Fairtrade Fortnight.

Enjoy Fairtrade hot drinks, delicious food from the Global Eats truck by Oasis and browse the stalls for Fairtrade and ethical goods, sustainable and vintage fashion, books, plants, flowers and more.

There will be a drop in embroidery workshop, DIY Flower bar, badge making and a chance to win prizes too.

Cake is mandatory so pick up a slice as we say Happy 30th Birthday to the Fairtrade mark.

Sunday 22nd September – Simply Acoustic at the Royal Oak

A free live music night at Adamsdown’s Royal Oak. It’s on open mic, so if you’re musically inclined, take along your instrument of choice and get involved!

Saturday 28th September – Keep Splott Tidy v Keep Adamsdown Tidy

Welcome to the battle on the bridge between two local litter picking groups.

Across Cardiff, as all litter pickers assemble for the #BigCardiffTidy, join the ultimate fight to collect the most litter!

Are you team Splott or team Adamsdown? Pick your side & let the battle commence!

Weekly activities

Let’s have a gander at the regular list of things going on…


Join Splott Community Volunteers from 10am to 12 noon for a cuppa and a cake on Memory Mondays. Residents get together to share memories of old Splott (who knew that Rolfe’s the Florist used to be a pet food store with bird seed being served iin paper bags from a wooden drawer in a cabinet? Well it was!)


Every Tuesday morning in term time, a community group at St Philip’s Church on Tweedsmuir Road in Tremorfa provides free coffee and cake and the chance to chat.

There is a free community lunch and warm space just over the bridge in Adamsdown every Tuesday at No Fit State Circus.

Welsh learners’ practice group at Railway Gardens on Tuesday afternoons!

At 1.30 on Tuesdays at Railway Gardens there’s Baby & Parent Support Group for free. Pop along and meet other parents and other babies! Find them at the top of Adeline Street off Railway Street.

Do you have a handy skill to share? Pop along to the GoodShed at Railway Gardens between 2pm and 4pm to build stuff and drink tea!


Join Splott Community Volunteers for Knit and Natter between 10am and 12 noon for a cuppa and a cake and learn some new knitting skills while having a chat. Refreshments provided for free. Also, once a month, there will be a mobile wool and embroidery shop, Wool on Wheels, joining them.

Forces of Nature after school nature club for children runs at Railway Gardens from 3.15pm to 4.30pm. Find out more here. No need to book though -just pop along (and there’s a free snack for kids).

Splo-Down, a food cooperative operating from a container at the back of the old STAR Leisure Centre on Splott Road offer great quality and value for money bags of fresh veg for affordable prices between 5pm and 7pm. Pay what you can. More information here.

You can also pop along to Railway Gardens for Natter with Neighbours at 10.30am.


For £4 at the Splott Community Volunteers’ Breakfast Club you can get a hot cooked breakfast and a bag of 10 items from their food pantry, including a fridge item, freezer item and tinned goods, fried goods and fresh fruit & veg. Find them at the back of the old STAR Leisure Centre on Splott Road, entry opposite A1 Tyres on Railway Street.

Breakfast Club runs from 8.30am to 10.30am. Find out more here.

There are two cool activities at Railway Gardens on a Thursday morning: Tai Chi at 10am and Creative Writing at 10.30am. Find out more here.


Digital skills at Splott Community Volunteers runs from 10am to 12 noon and is open to all, regardless of abilities. Come in for a cuppa and a cake and get help from the Cardiff Council digital skills team.

So there we have it! As always, if I’ve missed anything, do let me know. I’d love to update this article with other cool stuff going on.

Coming Up in October

Here’s a sneaky peek at what’s coming up next month:
